avdec.h File Reference

#include <gavl/gavl.h>
#include <gavl/compression.h>
#include <gavl/metadata.h>
#include "bgavdefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  bgav_device_info_t
 Info structure for a device. More...
struct  bgav_edl_segment_t
 One segment of a physical stream to appear in a logical stream. More...
struct  bgav_edl_stream_t
 A locical stream. More...
struct  bgav_edl_track_t
 A locical track. More...
struct  bgav_edl_s
 EDL structure. More...


 Time value indicating an invalid time.


typedef struct bgav_edl_s bgav_edl_t
 Forward declaration.
typedef struct bgav_s bgav_t
 Opaque decoder structure.
typedef gavl_metadata_t bgav_metadata_t
 Opaque metadata container.
typedef struct bgav_options_s bgav_options_t
 Opaque option container.
typedef void(* bgav_log_callback )(void *data, bgav_log_level_t level, const char *log_domain, const char *message)
 Function to be called for loggins messages.
typedef void(* bgav_name_change_callback )(void *data, const char *name)
 Function to be called if the track name changes.
typedef void(* bgav_metadata_change_callback )(void *data, const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Function to be called if the metadata change.
typedef void(* bgav_buffer_callback )(void *data, float percentage)
 Function to be called if the input module is buffering data.
typedef int(* bgav_user_pass_callback )(void *data, const char *resource, char **username, char **password)
 Function to be called if the input module needs authentication data.
typedef void(* bgav_aspect_callback )(void *data, int stream, int pixel_width, int pixel_height)
 Function to be called if a change of the aspect ratio was detected.
typedef void(* bgav_index_callback )(void *data, float percentage)
 Function to be called periodically while an index is built.


enum  bgav_log_level_t { BGAV_LOG_DEBUG = (1<<0), BGAV_LOG_WARNING = (1<<1), BGAV_LOG_ERROR = (1<<2), BGAV_LOG_INFO = (1<<3) }

Enumeration for log levels.


Stream action.



BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_tbgav_create ()
 Create a decoder instance.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_author (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the author (or composer) of the track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_title (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the title of the track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_comment (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get an additional comment of the track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_copyright (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the copyright notice of the track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_album (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the album this track comes from.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_artist (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the artist (or performer) of this track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_albumartist (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the album artist of this track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_genre (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the genre this track belongs to.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_metadata_get_date (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the date of the recording.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_metadata_get_track (const bgav_metadata_t *metadata)
 Get the track index.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_options_tbgav_get_options (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get the options of a decoder instance.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_options_tbgav_options_create ()
 Create an options container.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_destroy (bgav_options_t *opt)
 Destroy option cotainer.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_copy (bgav_options_t *dst, const bgav_options_t *src)
 Copy options.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_connect_timeout (bgav_options_t *opt, int timeout)
 Set connect timeout.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_read_timeout (bgav_options_t *opt, int timeout)
 Set read timeout.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_rtp_port_base (bgav_options_t *opt, int p)
 Set RTP port pase.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_rtp_try_tcp (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Try TCP before UDP.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_network_bandwidth (bgav_options_t *opt, int bandwidth)
 Set network bandwidth.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_network_buffer_size (bgav_options_t *opt, int size)
 Set network buffer size.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_use_proxy (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Set proxy usage.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_proxy_host (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *host)
 Set proxy host.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_proxy_port (bgav_options_t *opt, int port)
 Set proxy port.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_proxy_auth (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Enable or disable proxy authentication.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_proxy_user (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *user)
 Set proxy username.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_proxy_pass (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *pass)
 Set proxy password.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_http_shoutcast_metadata (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Enable or disable shoutcast metadata streaming.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_ftp_anonymous (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Enable or disable anonymous ftp login.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_ftp_anonymous_password (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *pass)
 Set anonymous password.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_default_subtitle_encoding (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *encoding)
 Set default subtitle encoding.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_audio_dynrange (bgav_options_t *opt, int audio_dynrange)
 Enable dynamic range control.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_sample_accurate (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Try to be sample accurate.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_cache_time (bgav_options_t *opt, int t)
 Set the index creation time for caching.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_cache_size (bgav_options_t *opt, int s)
 Set the maximum total size of the index cache.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_seek_subtitles (bgav_options_t *opt, int seek_subtitles)
 Enable external subtitle files.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_pp_level (bgav_options_t *opt, int pp_level)
 Set postprocessing level.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_postprocessing_level (bgav_options_t *opt, float pp_level)
 Set postprocessing level.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_threads (bgav_options_t *opt, int threads)
 Set number of threads.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_dvb_channels_file (bgav_options_t *opt, const char *file)
 Set DVB channels file.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_prefer_ffmpeg_demuxers (bgav_options_t *opt, int prefer)
 Preference of ffmpeg demultiplexers.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_dv_datetime (bgav_options_t *opt, int datetime)
 Exports the date and time as timecode field of DV streams.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_shrink (bgav_options_t *opt, int factor)
 Shrink factor.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_vdpau (bgav_options_t *opt, int vdpau)
 VDPAU acceleration.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_dump_headers (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Dump file headers.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_dump_indices (bgav_options_t *opt, int enable)
 Dump file indices.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_log_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_log_callback callback, void *data)
 Set the callback for log messages.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_log_level (bgav_options_t *opt, int level)
 Set the verbosity for log messages.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_name_change_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_name_change_callback callback, void *data)
 Set the callback for name change events.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_metadata_change_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_metadata_change_callback callback, void *data)
 Set the callback for metadata change events.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_buffer_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_buffer_callback callback, void *data)
 Set the callback for buffering notification.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_user_pass_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_user_pass_callback callback, void *data)
 Set the callback for user authentication.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_aspect_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_aspect_callback callback, void *data)
 Set aspect ratio change callback.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_options_set_index_callback (bgav_options_t *opt, bgav_index_callback callback, void *data)
 Set index build callback.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_device_info_tbgav_find_devices_vcd ()
 Scan for VCD capable devices.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_check_device_vcd (const char *device, char **name)
 Test if a device is VCD capable.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_device_info_tbgav_find_devices_dvd ()
 Scan for DVD capable devices.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_check_device_dvd (const char *device, char **name)
 Test if a device is DVD capable.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_device_info_tbgav_find_devices_dvb ()
 Scan for DVB capable devices.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_check_device_dvb (const char *device, char **name)
 Test if a device is DVB capable.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_device_info_destroy (bgav_device_info_t *arr)
 Destroy a device info array.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_eject_disc (const char *device)
 Eject a disc.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_disc_name (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get the name of a disc.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open (bgav_t *bgav, const char *location)
 Open a file or URL.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open_vcd (bgav_t *bgav, const char *location)
 Open a VCD device.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open_dvd (bgav_t *bgav, const char *location)
 Open a DVD device.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open_dvb (bgav_t *bgav, const char *location)
 Open a DVB device.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open_fd (bgav_t *bgav, int fd, int64_t total_size, const char *mimetype)
 Open a decoder from a filedescriptor.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_open_callbacks (bgav_t *bgav, int(*read_callback)(void *priv, uint8_t *data, int len), int64_t(*seek_callback)(void *priv, uint64_t pos, int whence), void *priv, const char *filename, const char *mimetype, int64_t total_bytes)
 Open a decoder with callbacks.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_close (bgav_t *bgav)
 Close a decoder and free all associated memory.
BGAV_PUBLIC bgav_edl_tbgav_get_edl (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get an EDL from an open decoder.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_edl_dump (const bgav_edl_t *e)
 Dump an EDL to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_is_redirector (bgav_t *bgav)
 Query if the decoder opened a redirector.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_redirector_get_num_urls (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get the number of URLs found in the redirector.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_redirector_get_url (bgav_t *bgav, int index)
 Get the address of an URL.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_redirector_get_name (bgav_t *bgav, int index)
 Get the address of an URL.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_num_tracks (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get the number of tracks.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_description (bgav_t *bgav)
 Get a technical description of the format.
BGAV_PUBLIC gavl_time_t bgav_get_duration (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get the duration of a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_num_audio_streams (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get the number of audio streams of a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_num_video_streams (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get the number of video streams of a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_num_subtitle_streams (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get the number of subtitle streams of a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_track_name (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get the name a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC const bgav_metadata_tbgav_get_metadata (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Get metadata for a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_select_track (bgav_t *bgav, int track)
 Select a track.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_get_num_chapters (bgav_t *bgav, int track, int *timescale)
 Get the number of chapters.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_chapter_name (bgav_t *bgav, int track, int chapter)
 Get the name of a chapter.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_get_chapter_time (bgav_t *bgav, int track, int chapter)
 Get the name of a chapter.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_audio_language (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the language of an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_get_audio_bitrate (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the bitrate of an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const bgav_metadata_tbgav_get_audio_metadata (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the metadata of an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_subtitle_language (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the language of a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const bgav_metadata_tbgav_get_subtitle_metadata (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the metadata of a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const bgav_metadata_tbgav_get_video_metadata (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the metadata of a video stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_get_audio_compression_info (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, gavl_compression_info_t *info)
 Get audio compression info.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_get_video_compression_info (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, gavl_compression_info_t *info)
 Get video compression info.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_audio_packet (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, gavl_packet_t *p)
 Read compressed audio packet.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_video_packet (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, gavl_packet_t *p)
 Read compressed video packet.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_set_audio_stream (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, bgav_stream_action_t action)
 Select mode for an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_set_video_stream (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, bgav_stream_action_t action)
 Select mode for a video stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_set_subtitle_stream (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, bgav_stream_action_t action)
 Select mode for a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_start (bgav_t *bgav)
 Start all codecs.
bgav_get_audio_format (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the format of an audio stream.
bgav_get_video_format (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the format of a video stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC gavl_frame_table_tbgav_get_frame_table (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the frame table of a video stream.
bgav_get_subtitle_format (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the video format of a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_subtitle_is_text (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Check if a subtitle is text or graphics based.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_audio_description (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the description of an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_audio_info (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get additional info about an audio stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_video_description (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the description of a video stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_subtitle_description (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the description of a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC const char * bgav_get_subtitle_info (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get additional info about a subtitle stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_can_pause (bgav_t *bgav)
 Query if a track is pausable.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_video_has_still (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Determine if a still image is available for reading.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_video (bgav_t *bgav, gavl_video_frame_t *frame, int stream)
 Decode a video frame.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_skip_video (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t *time, int scale, int exact)
 Skip forward in a video stream.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_audio (bgav_t *bgav, gavl_audio_frame_t *frame, int stream, int num_samples)
 Decode audio samples.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_has_subtitle (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Check, if a new subtitle is available.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_subtitle_overlay (bgav_t *bgav, gavl_overlay_t *ovl, int stream)
 Decode an overlay subtitle.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_read_subtitle_text (bgav_t *bgav, char **ret, int *ret_alloc, int64_t *start_time, int64_t *duration, int stream)
 Decode a text subtitle.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_can_seek (bgav_t *bgav)
 Check if a track is seekabkle.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_seek (bgav_t *bgav, gavl_time_t *time)
 Seek to a specific time.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_seek_scaled (bgav_t *bgav, int64_t *time, int scale)
 Seek to a specific stream position.
BGAV_PUBLIC int bgav_can_seek_sample (bgav_t *bgav)
 Check if a track is seekabkle with sample accuracy.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_audio_duration (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the audio duration.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_audio_start_time (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the audio start time.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_video_duration (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the video duration.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_video_start_time (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the video start time.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_subtitle_duration (bgav_t *bgav, int stream)
 Get the subtitle duration.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_seek_audio (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t sample)
 Seek to a specific audio sample.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_seek_video (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t time)
 Seek to a specific video time.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_video_keyframe_before (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t time)
 Get the time of the closest keyframe before a given time.
BGAV_PUBLIC int64_t bgav_video_keyframe_after (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t time)
 Get the time of the closest keyframe after a given time.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_seek_subtitle (bgav_t *bgav, int stream, int64_t time)
 Seek to a specific subtitle position.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_dump (bgav_t *bgav)
 Dump informations of all tracks to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_codecs_dump ()
 Dump informations about all available codecs to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_formats_dump ()
 Dump informations about all available format demuxers to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_inputs_dump ()
 Dump informations about all available input modules to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_redirectors_dump ()
 Dump informations about all available redirectors to stderr.
BGAV_PUBLIC void bgav_subreaders_dump ()
 Dump informations about all available subtitle readers to stderr.

Detailed Description

external api header.

Generated on Fri Jun 8 17:30:02 2012 for gmerlin-avdecoder by  doxygen 1.6.3